Zhou B and Jordan Shanghai Store Opening

Client: Jordan Brand China

Project: Jordan Shanghai Flagship Store Grand Opening

Role: Cinematography and Stills


It was very exciting to have the opportunity to document the grand opening of the flagship Jordan store in Shanghai China. I spent the first week documenting the world renown Chinese artists the Zhou Brothers in their Beijing studio as they brought a 30 foot Michael Jordan painting to life. After they finished the painting I headed to Shanghai. I only had a few days before the grand opening to not only explore this giant city in motion but to also capture its beauty. I took everything that was shot in two weeks and delivered a conceptual short film that showcased how painters move around their canvas and how players move in the game of basketball. Along with the film I shot a series of stills that captured the painting process and beauty of Shanghai. Everything was used for press and incorporated into store displays. During the grand opening the painting was revealed followed by a ribbon cutting ceremony held by Russel Westbrook.